Going into Etsy these days is like being in a craft show only that it’s like looking through a mirror – the same shit is repeated over and over and over again. The term “8-Bit”, “Mario”, “Nintendo” or even “Atari” on Etsy is a little overrated these days. That’s why I haven’t found anything interesting for a while. But tonight, I set aside those terms and looked for other things and viola, it’s all clear again thanks to this.
Price: $145 each
Pac-Man will never go out of style. Seriously, I think it’s one of the most used video game franchises to date. I can’t wait for the day that Mark Walberg plays Pac-Man and Emma Stone plays his wife, Ms. Pac-Man and directed by none other than Stevel Segal. Anyways, this Pac-Man table is hand made. With a lot of different companies featuring Etsy products on their catalog, like West Elm, I wouldn’t be surprise to see this table on some tv show of some sort or maybe even a chic-game store if that ever exist.
Handmade by Austin artist R.Fitzpatrick, this Pac Man ghost table can be used as a coffee table, kitchen table or desk. I’ll switch out legs based on the height you want.
Price: $150
Motion gaming killed the Dance Dance Revolution series. Yeah, sure, they’ve released a few of them over the years with motion-sensing capabilities. It will never recapture that excitement gamers had with it when it was first introduced in the arcades and in home consoles. I mentioned before that I go to thrift stores a lot to look for treasures. DDR Pads or Mats are probably one of the most common things I see at thrift stores.
Etsy is probably one of many sites on the internet that takes “re-purpose” seriously. Here we have a DDR mat turned into a bag/tote. I could see this being used as a grocery bag – you know, one of those “earth friendly” bags that you see today. Maybe even a bag to take at the beach or something. But for $150, it would be a very expensive trip to the beach. Check out the seller’s other pictures on the product page, she actually had a fashion show and made dresses out of DDR mats 🙂
Excite Bike “Wheely” 8-Bit Wooden Block Mosaic
Price: $50
Out of all of that 8-bit crap stuff on Etsy, there’s bound to be a few noteworthy ones. I still loved that Zelda 8-Bit Wooden Cutting Board I posted a while back (I think the seller doesn’t sell it anymore). But anyways, this wooden 8-Bit mosaic measures at 11×14″ on a painted gold wodden plaque. The seller has a lot of different ones but I decided to feature Mr. Excite Bike since we rarely see him here on gS.
Price: $350 each
I love this thing. Look at the detail on the stitching. Originally displayed at the Game Over/Continue? show art exhibit in San Fransisco around April of 2009, these cartridges measures at almost 2 feet (17″ X 22″ to be exact) and carefully sewn down to the letters. I’m actually surprised to see that this type of product isn’t offered by other sellers. But I guess they’re not as creative as the seller/artist.. You normally see pillows or plush etc. The seller is offering 3 of these for sale: Skiing, Tennis (shown above), and Starmaster. On the picture it shows Dragster but I don’t actually see that listed. Maybe he sold it..
Price: $59.95
Talk about weird… If kids are able to wear Pokemon undies, why not adults? This (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!) is probably one of the weirdest items offered on Etsy. But this one, it’s not that bad. The set actually comes from Victoria Secret and available in multiple sizes (but it says only 1 is available). This isn’t the first seller to offer the Poke-bra though, this seller made news a little while ago about the Angry Birds bra.