Nintendo Power Magazine has been around since the golden age of the 8Bit era. There were very few magazines about video games then and Nintendo Power was among one of the favorites. In September of 1997, they celebrated their 100th issue by offering these limited edition coin set which included Yoshi, Donkey Kong and of course Mario. But of course let’s not forget about the uber rare Gold Nintendo 64 controller which we haven’t seen for quite sometime..
But perhaps the best collectible would be the Limited Edition Nintendo Power GameBoy Pocket they offered at their Fall 1997 catalog which can be seen at Limbofunk’s website. For $55, you get this really exclusive set on their Fall 2007 catalog. That or you can try to win it which narrows your chance in obtaining one. $55 was alot of money then but it is one of those things that just sticks to you and wishes you could have gotten one. Very few of these exist now but they are out there. There’s one on ebay right now and the price is a little steep but considering the rarity of these things, i wouldn’t be surprised to see them go for more in a few more years.
$1,500 with one best offer so far.
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