This seller has several rare Metal Gear Solid items.
[phpbay keywords=”metal gear” num=”12″ siteid=”15″ sortorder=”EndTimeSoonest” sellerid=”mr.g.seed” templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]
Sega Dreamcast Street Fighter 3 Standee (Thanks Tony!)
Nintendo DSi XL Exclusive Limited Edition Pokemon World Championship 2010 (Thanks Seth!) – This is a DSi XL that was only distributed to the top 32 competitors in each age group (3 groups total) for the trading card game and to the top 8 for the two divisions of the video game championships at the 2010 Pokemon World Championship in Hawaii.
Zelda Wind Waker and Metroid Prime Double Release (Thanks Karmacutioner!)
Ratchet & Clank PS2 Display Promo (Thanks Francesco!)