Here at gameSniped, we often post about the different types of displays. Whether they’re store displays, or a factory display, we’ve seen it all and if not, we’ll get to it all.
But not very often (or not at all) that we would post a really bad display. When I mean bad, it’s probably one of those displays that you wish you never saw at a store before. I hated these displays and here’s why..
The Video Game Card Track Display System
There’s nothing good to like about this display at any stores i’ve seen this at. These were used by stores like KB-Toys, Funcoland, or a local mom and pop store. Even a video rental joint back in the 80’s upto the mid 90’s. Why are they bad you asked? Well not only they feature a card or photocopies of the display boxes for the games they’re selling, but they could also be the ACTUAL box crushed or cut-off leaving you with just a game and a manual to go home with. The only good thing about this is the fact that all the stores I mentioned that used these things seize to exist.
I don’t know what these are called officially, but I absolutely hated these things. What this abomination does is that it holds game in place and so much that it actually chokes each and every single one of them often times crushing whatever is in between. If you pick the game in front, there’s absolutely no way for you to return it back to the display without doing any damage on the display box. That’s why alot of the times, the GBA or N64 games boxes are crushed. Who would want to pay $40-$50 for those? Unless they’re forgotten copies of Shantae, yeah, i’ll pay the $40-$50 🙂. Since their damages are either in the actual wrap or box, the game ends up getting stolen. Also, when you put 2 or more of these next to each other, you really can’t see what’s behind. According to one seller on eBay selling these, they’re actually an Official Nintendo product. I’m sure alot of other companies makes them now.
Some engineer probably designed this for the soda industry and decided that it’s probably good for the cd and dvd industry as well. Unfortunately, these things are still being used to this day. A lot of Walmart, Kmart even Target (a different variation – but still does the same damage) stores uses them. Some of the design variations lately actually have less tension in the spring so it’s easier for a consumer to put the games back in place.
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