That’s right lady and gentlemen, up for your bidding pleasure is a very fashionable (albeit incredibly dirty looking) Brass Mario Trophy. These trophies were mainly given away at Nintendo held award ceremonies in honor of employees who had shown exemplary work throughout the year.
I am pretty amazed at the price on this considering it isn’t even the full award–there is usually a marble base attached to the bottom with a small plaque containing the year, recipient’s name and what the award was for. The face does look a bit damaged, but there’s a possibility that all it needs is a good, professional cleaning…though I personally am not willing to spend over $400 to find out!
–Little Nemo NES Box Proof Sheet
–Nintendo Fun Club Mail Away Promo: Any thoughts on where this may have come from?
–Nintendo Fun Club Membership Card: Is your name Michael Tripp? Then you need this!
–Super Mario Bros 36 Pin Display Card: Friends included!
–Killer Instinct Marketing Kit
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