When E3 comes, there’s usually an over abundance of press kits being given to press and media. Some of these have been mentioned by myself in the past
God of War III Press Kit (HK seller) and here’s another from a Canadian seller.
God of War II Press kit + 2 GoW games
God of War (original) Press Kit – This is a really nice kit. First time i’ve seen it.
Prince of Persia Kit – 378 kits made, this one comes from a Israeli seller. Featured here before.
Mod Nation Racer Kit – UK seller
DC Universe Online Kit – UK Seller (here’s the actual contents)
Infamous Kit – same UK seller above – cheap too atm.
Primal Kit – UK Seller
last but not least, it’s probably the most unusual press kit for Socom 4.
After deflating the package you can get your hands on the three brochures. The first piece is a basic map with GPS coordinates. Second presents all the weapons and features a PlayStation Move tutorial, which is useful, because the game supports SONY’s own motion control system. The last fold-out paper sleeve holds the media and the game disc.
CREDIT and more pictures: