I would say the usual schpiel, but, uh….all you really need to do is scroll down a couple posts to read it.
From Peru, Indiana: Konami’s Magic Sword, BIN at $575 or best offer, freight shipping possible.
From Coweta, Oklahoma: Dig-Dug unit, BIN at $399 or best offer, freight shipping possible. Pump that Pooka!
From Peru, Indiana: Frogger cocktail, BIN at $775 or best offer, freight shipping possible.
From Peru, Indiana (most of what was available today is from the same seller): Just in time for the holidays, Turkey Hunting USA, BIN at $575 or best offer, freight shipping possible.
From same seller: Galaga upright, BIN at $675 or best offer, freight shipping possible.
From Mount Zion, Illinois: Battle Balls (hyuk hyuk), BIN at $275 or best offer, freight shipping possible.
From Mount Zion, Illinois: Ms. Pac-Man, BIN at $750 or best offer, freight shipping possible. Sun-fried labeling but still works.
From Peru, Indiana: Manx TT Superbike Twin dual racer. Will definitely be expired by the time you read this, but I just like the look of it.
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