This 1996 boxset is a kick ass collection from id Software full of all the games they had so far made. This not only includes all of the Doom games prior to Doom 3, but also Quake, Wolfenstein 3D and every game in the Commander Keen series. No Heretic and Hexen though, as id co-developed those with Raven Software. In total there are 19 games contained on four CDs.
It not only contains the games, but various collectible items too. Such as:
* The Book of id, a book that details the history of id Software.
* A poster
* An id Anthology phone card.
* Two dog tags with the id logo and the id Anthology logo
* A pewter Cyberdemon miniature.
* A black t-shirt with the id Anthology logo.
* The Doom comic.
Only 10,000 copies were sold. I was watching this auction from the start, but am extremly surprised by the fianl price. This is the most I have ever seen it sell for, by several hundred dollars. In fact I’ve never seen it break $400. Prrof to point, a damanged but sealed copy recently went for $260.00.
Also Ended:
GTA Vice City Pinback Set – $107.50
Super Metroid Promo Nintendo Rep Store Paperwork
Fallout New Vegas NCR Flag – $127.50
Sony PS3 60GB Debug Test Unit – $800.00
Still Live:
Nintendo DS Lite (Cobalt) – Signed by Penny Arcade team
XBOX 360 Autographed by STATUS QUO (MLG Pro Team)
Atari 2600 Glib Box Only
Red Faction Guerrilla Lifesized Signed Hammer
Caltron 6 In 1 NES Cartridge
Nintendo NES Mega Man 6 & Star Tropics 2 Store Display
Scribblenauts Promotional Hat
SHENMUE II 2 – Sega Dreamcast DC Sealed PAL