
Skylanders Trigger Happy E3 Pre-Release Version

It is hard to say if the popularity of Skylanders will continue, or in the current firgures will be of any value if they spawn some sort of sequel. I do know however, that my son loves the game and the company would be insane to not continue with the franchise.

There is an interesting auction up right now for this Skylanders Trigger Happy E3 Pre-Release Version. (Thanks J!) No idea how rare it is, or what the value is, but I cannot find a completed auction for it. Could be interesting to watch given what the chase figures sell for.

Sorry have been AWOL lately, but I should be caught up on real life now.

Some more expensive Skylanders auctions:

[phpbay keywords=”skylanders gold” num=”3″ siteid=”1″ sortorder=”PricePlusShippingHighest” templatename=”columns” columns=”3″]


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