Up for sale are eight (8) vintage, pre-famicom Nintendo toys referred to here and there as “hang tag games”. Before Nintendo made video games, they were heavy into the toy and game business, making board games, toys and cards. Their most successful time solely as a toy company was in the 60’s and 70’s, when they had none other than the late Gunpei Yokoi inventing and designing some of their best-selling toys (like the Nintendo Ultrahand for example). Rarely do you see any of these toys and games make it to US shores. and the only way most American collectors can get their hands on them is through a proxy which literally will double your price or just by flying to Japan and visiting shops outside the big cities where some of these rare items still sit waiting for a collector that truly knows their value/worth. I could sell each of these items separately, but I’m offering them all at once with a starting bid that’s just plain thievery. Winning this, you’ll instantly have a collection of Nintendo items most people will never even see let alone own. I don’t understand Japanese so I don’t know the name of these games, but the Nintendo logo is present on both the front and back of the packaging, which is STILL SEALED.
For the past 10 years I have been collecting Nintendo toys and games both from the video game and pre-video game eras of the fabled company. After many years of keeping this collection I have decided to part with nearly all of it, letting more collectors/fans enjoy some of the rich history of Nintendo. While I don’t have the biggest or most talked about collection out there, I do have many items most people have never gotten their hands on outside of Japan. In the next couple months I’ll be auctioning off a bunch of pre-Famicom era Nintendo games and toys, so be sure to save me as a seller and check back often.
NES Hydron Double Sided Brazilian Cart
Hydron released double-sided carts – the same game is on both sides, but one side is 60 pins and the other is 72. Allowing you to play the game in either a Famicom or NES based system, probably developed because in Brazil, pirate clone systems of each were equally popular.
SNES Brazilian Super Copa With (Cut) Box (Brazillian Version)
Super Copa is essentially a Spanish and Portuguese version of Tony Meola’a Sidekicks Soccer. This one is the Brazilian Playtronic version, with in game text in portuguese and advertisings of local companies displayed during the game.